Life is made up of experiences. Some people have experiences that cause them to have distorted perceptions of themselves. These thoughts and feelings can become the map in which these people live their lives by. At Wellness Within You we believe that people who are overwhelmed by constant negative thoughts and feelings can find themselves living in the experience of an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, purging, and compulsive exercising. This type of person is sensitive to suffering with low self esteem, lack confidence, have poor concentration, insomnia and/or depression which can result in further life threatening behaviors, sometimes even suicide.
Wellness Within You is a cutting edge group of counselors who for the last 20 years have understood all too well the devastating affects of Eating Disorders as well as seen the limitless possibilities life offers with successful recovery. Through research and experience with numerous clients and collaborating with other leaders in the field of Disordered Eating, we have identified the common self-talk that produces these detrimental behaviors and have further defined the path in which complete and whole wellness can be achieved.
Through our work as counsellors at the Montreux Counselling Centre, founded by Peggy Claude Pierre, author of the Secret Language of Eating Disorders, we have refined the process of learning how to think better, feel better and therefore live a better life. Documentaries shown on Oprah and ABC's 20/20, brought hope and awareness to the world by demonstrating that wellness and complete recovery is possible. Building upon that foundation of knowledge, we have learned new ways of thinking to engage in healthier ways of living.
If you or suspect someone you know is struggling with an Eating Disorder, we
invite you to take a look at how to embrace those living in the experience
of an eating disorder. Gain knowledge and understanding about the most
misunderstood manifestations in North America and the possibilities of
complete wellness.